With the ever-growing influence of social media and the rise of internet psychics, life coaches and otherwise spiritual entrepreneurs, our feeds have become flooded with these so-called experts' hot takes on manifestation, the Law of Attraction and ultimately living your best life. While these creators can offer creative methods to inspire spiritual practices and rituals that may spark intermittent tangible results, the true magic of this intricate esoteric work cannot be explained nor taught in 60 second clips.
The reality of this spiritual work is far from the glorification of social media and will inevitably highlight your darkest shadows, fears and insecurities while forcing you to face your demons. It is only through this deep shadow work and true understanding of your soul’s blueprint that you can intentionally manifest for your highest good on your highest timeline. This journey is not for the faint of heart and will test you to your core to gauge your worthiness, dedication and faith in the universe before blessing you with the happiness and abundance you crave and undoubtedly deserve.
When we reincarnate on Earth, our human lives are predetermined with our individual karma, lessons we will be forced to learn, goals we are meant to reach and ultimately, our destiny. We are given soul blueprints in the form of Birth Charts, Sacred Numerology, Human Design and Soul Contracts that are coded with our unique traits, destiny and embedded with cosmic clues to unlock the magic.
As we begin to decode these sacred blueprints, relevant information will only be revealed and understood in divine timing when our soul is ready for the download. These cosmic blueprints hold the keys to our potential, but more importantly, our challenges to overcome before we are able to reach our highest timeline and manifestations. Every time we think we’ve healed and understood the lesson at hand, the universe will inevitably take us deeper by thrusting us into a similar situation to test our soul’s evolution. A healer once told me, “you will receive the same lesson strategically disguised in better packaging until you learn the lesson.” The validity of this statement continues to astound me time and time again, however, this is the brink of where our deepest manifestations lie.
Once our souls have fully understood each lesson, we in turn become rewarded with our once elusive manifestations that merely required a deeper level of life experience and understanding. But the journey to get there will elicit a full spectrum of emotions sprinkling in brief peaks of happiness with divinely orchestrated periods of darkness that force us into deep introspection until we are guided to the answers we are so desperately seeking.
To fully understand the intricacies of the universe and how to navigate the cosmic confusion, there are a few notable theories to keep at the forefront of your mind when you start to become victim of the infamous Bermuda Triangle of Manifestation. Holding these theories true and keeping the faith in your spiritual practices in the midst of chaos is what distinguishes true manifesting wizards from those who only believe in the magic when it’s physically tangible.
Since we live in an advanced reality of virtual simulation, it becomes easier to understand the intricate correlation of quantum physics and human consciousness as we bridge the gap between spirituality and science. Within the realm of scientific thought, we are introduced to Chaos Theory where random states of disorder and chaotic complex systems are actually governed by underlying patterns, interconnectedness and self-organization which are highly sensitive to initial conditions. As we transition to the fundamental principles of spirituality and the philosophies of Buddhism, Chaos Theory mirrors their core belief that everything happens for a reason. Understanding this basic universal theory allows for an intellectual approach to everyday life and the challenges that inevitably arise, while providing an empathetic perspective as we navigate the rollercoaster ride of human existence.
As we further explore the underlying principles of chaos, we are introduced to the Butterfly Effect that eloquently explains how a small change in one state of a deterministic non-linear system can result in large differences in a later state. Again, we begin to expose the parallels of science and spirituality as those of us on the spiritual path fully understand our role within the universe and the rippling consequences our thoughts and actions can have in seemingly unrelated situations that ultimately are cosmically intertwined.
To tie this into the intricate esoteric work of manifestation, we must first understand that chaos is divinely orchestrated and will eventually lead to surprisingly superior outcomes than our initial desires and fantasies, if and only if we maintain our faith in the laws of the universe. The harsh reality of Chaos Theory in our human experience can cripple even the most spiritually adept with dangerously low pitfalls that inevitably cause us to reexamine our life course and preemptively question our spiritual faith, connection to source and angelic protection. Using this as an opportunity to tap into our higher consciousness, we can reconnect with our inner knowing that provides us with reassurance that events are being divinely puppeteered behind the scenes to rearrange the future in our favor. So when life is going to shit, hold the faith.
Another universal theory that will come into play when you are on the brink of a major manifestation will come in tandem with Chaos Theory and invoke an unimaginable level of destruction with attempts to break your faith and force you into a state of surrender. While it may sound counterintuitive to the concept of manifestation, it’s merely the intricacies of quantum duality balancing out the universe. Ladies and gentleman, I introduce to you…
One of the fundamental concepts of the universe and esoteric studies lies within the philosophical and spiritual doctrine of duality where every aspect of existence can be divided into polar opposites, maintaining that these opposite values are dependent on and coexist with one another. As it relates to manifestation, the universal law of opposites represents the tangible results of duality within our physical reality. We are unfortunately cosmically bound from manifesting our greatest desires without first having attracted the polar opposite to balance out the scales of universal principles.
The combination of these two dynamic forces is intended to not only test your faith in the universe but to also act as a catalyst in creating major transformations in your physical reality as well as your inner strength. Your approach to this divinely orchestrated chaos and carnage will ultimately dictate your physical results in your current reality while also casting spiritual implications into future lifetimes and dimensions.
“The more you resist, the more it persists.”
Experiencing the Law of Opposites can translate into major tower moments of life destruction where we are frantically swimming against the current and the universe will forcefully push back until we admit defeat and ultimately surrender. Unfortunately, it is not until our entire world is destroyed that we can create a better one. Learning how to understand and navigate these cosmic communications and energies will mitigate the longevity of havoc and chaos that could potentially ensue. The sooner we surrender, the closer our manifestations await.
But as humans, our natural instinct is to go into survival mode when we lose our most basic foundations in life while igniting our fight or flight mode and we instantaneously begin operating from a primitive, animalistic state of defense. Pulling theoretical psychology from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, our ability to manifest or self-actualize is only attainable through underlying layers of hierarchical levels developed from a strong base of physiological needs. In the absence of a strong foundation of safety, humans are utterly incapable of ascending to enlightenment and self-actualization resulting in a hamster wheel of failed manifestations.
Being thrust into survival mode shifts the dynamics of our human psyche only allowing for fear and irrationality to consume our thoughts with an overwhelming sense of pessimism driving our daily dialogue and actions. While it can feel completely debilitating and impossible to overcome in the moment, it is merely temporary if we learn to navigate the rip tides of life while understanding the spiritual undertones.
Every human emotion has a specific frequency of vibration that is not only internalized energetically but also emitted outward into our physical reality for others to be fully susceptible in absorbing and internalizing themselves. These frequencies of emotions directly correspond to our positioning on Maslow’s pyramid of physiological needs and in tandem create the energetic structure of our manifesting capabilities. The emotions of fear, anger and insecurity that can so easily consume us when we find ourselves down on our luck ultimately represent lack. And because lack is the complete opposite of abundance, we will never be able to positively and intentionally manifest from the low vibrational state of these emotions.
As we begin to recognize this destructive cycle and incessant need to fight against the overpowering current of chaos, we can shift our spiritual perspective from lack and fear to trust and understanding. These utterly chaotic and inexplainable events are merely divinely orchestrated components of the fundamental aspects of duality represented by Chaos Theory and the Law of Opposites. Through these random states of disorder and chaos, our physical reality proves to be intricately interconnected and will eventually lead to self-organization and a higher perspective of understanding to what once seemed to be irrational destruction and chaotic events.
As we traverse our spiritual journey towards growth and evolution, it will inevitably become easier and easier to trust the in the universe’s twists and turns of our own human plot line. Our main character’s cosmic blueprints are designed to present us with tough life challenges, however, if we study them close enough we will discover the clues and cheat codes to not only overcome these onerous obstacles but to ultimately master the game of life. Once we surrender to the chaos and fully open ourselves up to the flow of the universe, we will be presented with avenues of opportunity that will inevitably change our lives while inexplicably acquiescing to the undeniable pre-determined divine order.
All you have to do is surrender.